Beach at Northton

Beach at Northton
Beach at Northton

Friday, 29 July 2011

2. The MacDonalds of Sollas

Sunset at Sollas
Beach, North Uist
The MacDonalds of Northton originated in Sollas, North Uist. They are descended from Kenneth MacDonald, whose son, Lachlan (1760-1858), emigrated to 12 Drinishader. He was from the Geirann Mill, and probably came as a tradesman to Drinishader, which was settled as a fishing village at the time.

North Uist has not the variety of scenery of Harris, but has a beauty all of its own.And to the South West, lies the lovely nature reserve of Balranald. The original family still lives here, though their descendants are spread over the world. A judge in Bulawayo, a scientist in Cape Town, and us lot!.

Saturday, 23 July 2011

1. MacDonalds of Northton

This is a blog set up specifically for the descendants of my Grandfather, Donald MacDonald of 37, Northton, Isle of Harris, but I hope that anyone who is interested in the content will feel welcome. There will be a good deal of family history, and if errors occur, I hope someone will correct them. Any additional history will be most gratefully received.
I am now numbering the posts so that you can follow them in a timeline.Every time I add more information, the order changes, confusing us all!

As I get bettter at this, I hope the blog will improve.